Tuesday 2 July 2013

The Sin Continuum

By E.O.M. Wyntre

My name is Serenity. My Sin is Survival. But I have learned . . . that survival is not always enough. That there is more.

Life is a game. To lose, you die. To play, you survive. And to win . . . you live.

I have been playing this game all my life, never by my own rules.

To the people of earth; the beautiful blue planet on which you go about your business, in your own small world, unseeing of the other worlds of other people pressed up like sardines against your own. 

People of earth: I am the pinnacle of the evolution of the human race. I have been chained; imprisoned; tested; beaten; left to die. I have been set free. I did not give up because I couldn’t. I could have. At any time. But I didn’t. I refused. To give up would have been to let those people win. The truth didn’t set me free; I did that to myself. But the knowledge of it kept me going.

I survived because that is what I do. But I have never been a winner; I have never won.

I have always been the pawn in other people’s master plans. The ace; their last resort. Their Queen of Hearts with red dress and assassin’s leer. Because I never fail.

But that is not me. I may be the best of success but in the heart and blood and bone of it all I am a failure because I was never allowed to live.

To the people of earth; I have been released from my chains but as I stand back and watch I see so many bound in their own not nearly as literal as mine. To the people of this glorious young planet; there is so much more. There is so much you cannot see because you refuse to open your eyes and play by your own rules. Trust me. Take it from someone who knows what is like to be governed by others.

My name is Serenity, and I am twenty-two years old and a million years from now even I will be dead and gone and forgotten. But for now I am young and I am free. If I live no longer than the time it takes to say this; listen. Open your ears and your eyes and your hearts and be free. If you forget me, my name, and my Sin, remember this: play by your own rules, and win.

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