Thursday 13 June 2013


By Jack Swan

Songs are interesting little things. There is nothing else that a human can create, share for a few fleeting minutes, and yet have such a deep impact on someone for so long. Some songs bounce off the surface, disliked by hostile ears; some are enjoyed; some are taken to heart. The point is, most of the time, a song will do something to you.

But sometimes, now and then, you do something to the song. Perhaps it’s the timing. Perhaps it’s a thought. There are many reasons. But those certain, special times, a song will be flitting around at just the right moment to be snared by a deep, complex web of emotion. But in the confusion of feeling comes a new explosion of order, as the heart tingles of sensation turn into keys. The words of the song aren’t quite ripped open, but the doors of understanding are flung open and before you know it a thousand meanings of your own flood into the vaults of the song, washing around the pillars of notes and bars and staves and chords. The words crafted by some distant artist drip with meaning, thoughts and meditations that only you can decipher, every single lyric a poem that you yourself wrote. Every time you hear that song, you plunge into those flooded chambers and bathe in the sensations. Sometimes you elate. But sometimes you shy away from it, petrified of the place you will go if you allow yourself to get washed along with the lyrics. Because the last thing you want is to disappear into those rivers of memory and sensation, floating blind in darkened tunnels towards that inexorable destination.

Because sometimes you’ll hear the voice of someone you sung it with.


Every idea, no matter how little, deserves a go, I suppose